Coaching vs Therapy?
Therapy is a great option for those working through past trauma and coping strategies, where coaching focuses primarily on self discovery, goal setting, accountability and looking to the future
What if Coaching is not a good fit for me?
The goal is for this experience to be as beneficial to you as the participant as possible. That said, if you have genuinely put in the work and are simply not gaining the experience you desired, you may cancel and refund the remainder of your coaching sessions.
Should I have tacos for dinner tonight?
That answer will always be a yes from us
Pricing Options
Each Coach is responsible for setting their own pricing for 1-on-1 Coaching and Custom Workshops and payment is to made upfront before your booking may be completed. If you are going through financial hardship, please reach out and engage in a conversation. Discounts and coupon codes are provided at random throughout the year.